Friday, April 21, 2006

When's the food coming??? Samuel and JJ 4/21 Posted by Picasa

Enjoying my first lunch date with my pal JJ 4/21 Posted by Picasa

Taking a morning walk with my Chou Chou 4/19 Posted by Picasa

Grapes are surprisingly good 9 month bday Posted by Picasa

Feeding myself grapes for the first time on my 9 month bday Posted by Picasa

Grass is still new and exciting 9 month bday Posted by Picasa

Contemplating some pretty flowers on my nine month birthday Posted by Picasa

Samuel excited to celebrate his 9 month birthday outside  Posted by Picasa

Samuel enjoys his first big slice of watermelon Easter '06 Posted by Picasa

Gpa, Mama, and Samuel plant a pear tree (Samuel's favorite food) for Samuel Easter '06  Posted by Picasa

Samuel happy to be home from his Easter walk with Gma and Gpa Posted by Picasa

Samuel meets some new friends at the dog park Easter Posted by Picasa

Samuel's happy to meet his new sheep Easter Posted by Picasa

Samuel meets his new baby Chou Chou Easter Posted by Picasa

Cedar looks for her share of Samuel's Easter basket Posted by Picasa

The Easter loot Posted by Picasa

Samuel and Gpa have a good chat over Easter lunch  Posted by Picasa

Samuel sneaking away from the Easter picnic Posted by Picasa

LaLa takes a snooze on the sidelines Easter 06 Posted by Picasa

Big Boy Samuel at his first Easter picnic  Posted by Picasa

Cedar gets comfortable during our Easter picnic  Posted by Picasa

Telling Gma a story while Maple listens in Easter 06 Posted by Picasa

Cedar on squirrel alert Easter '06 Posted by Picasa

Gma and Gpa hang with my sisters while I sleep Easter 2006 Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Samuel relax on the stoop so mama can use the scary vacuum 4/15 Posted by Picasa